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TECROC'S newly-launched Super Screed is a cost-effective high strength cementitious replacement screed finish purpose-designed for applications requiring a hard-wearing abrasion and impact-resistant surface to new or existing concrete.

TECROC Super Screed has been developed to re-surface concrete areas damaged due to trafficking by commercial vehicles and heavy mechanical plant. It can be used to permanently repair impact and abrasion damage and provides a surface resistant to attack by aggressive chemicals and effluent.

Typical applications include the resurfacing of concrete roadways, in warehousing and distribution centres, bulk material handling sites, waste transfer stations, metal recycling plants, sewage treatment works, power stations heavy industry installations, military depots, docks and concrete airport aprons.

Super Screed is an all-inclusive factory-blended product, comprising Portland cements, polypropylene fibres, performance enhancing additives and graded basalt aggregates.

Mixing on site requires only the addition of water and the material is placed on to a pre-prepared surface which has been treated with a special epoxy priming coat, effectively producing a "power bond" between the Super Screed and the existing surface.

The cured material develops a high early compressive strength of up to 30 N/mmÓ at one day and 55 N/mmÓ at three days dependent on ambient temperature, allowing repaired areas to be quickly returned to service. Typical 28-day compressive strength is 75 N/mmÓ, with typical flexural strength of 7 N/mmÓ at 28 days.

Super Screed forms an initial set after approximately three hours and a final set at five hours, dependent upon ambient temperature



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